The Men of St. Joseph

  • "The Men of St. Joseph is an association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet weekly to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families. The purpose of the Men of St. Joseph is to instill holiness in men and facilitate spiritual leadership in family and community life." 

    What a different world it would be if more men dedicated themselves to holiness and embraced their role as their family’s spiritual leader. What if your parish and community was full of men like this?

    We ask our men to help “put the family in the hands of the Father”.  By this we mean the desire for men to lead by example and through that example help place himself, his family, his friends, and community into the hands of our Heavenly Father.  In short, help lead those around him to holiness.

    Weekly meetings which consist of prayer, reading about the ultimate example of holy manliness in our Lord Jesus in the Gospel, and a discussion of the practical application of that example in today’s world. This weekly prescription help give men the tools, confidence, and support of other men, to become the spiritual leaders we are all called to be.

    Our hope, is that participation in the Men of St. Joseph meetings will lead to invigorated spiritual lives of Catholic men, and by their positive influence, to that of our families, friends and co-workers.

  • As a man you have a deep, almost instinctual call to accomplish and have impact. That need is what drives men to discover new worlds, develop new technologies, and accomplish “impossible tasks”. It’s also with pushes us to succeed in business, build, create, hunt, fish, and compete in sports.   But in the end we are all called for more than reaching the mountain tops of this world. Our ultimate goal is much more significant: Eternal Life with Christ. For most of us that can seem more daunting than scaling a high cliff face. But the truth is that is what men are built to do. Men are called to be spiritual leaders. Our number one goal in life is not wealth or professional esteem but to get ourselves, our wives, children, and even our friends to heaven. It may seem an impossible task but it’s not. Our calling to become spiritual leaders becomes easier when we have the accountability, support, and example of other men all focused on the same goal.  That is the purpose of the Men of St. Joseph.  And that is why we hope you will join us.

    The Men of St Joseph is designed to give you the structure, insight, confidence and support you need to help get you and your family to heaven. In the end we have to ask ourselves, is there anything more important than that?  Join the Men of St. Joseph.  Help yourself and your family climb that Most Important Mountain.

  • The hour-long meetings are simple. The meetings begin with group prayers from the Magnificat*, followed by prayer intentions, then a reading from the Gospel or an apologetic text, and finally discussion. Simply put: read, pray and discuss.

    Men of St. Joseph is not a “small-group” organization. It is common to start a group with 5 or 6 men, but depending on parish size, chapters grow to 20, 30, 40, or more men. Growth is encouraged. During the discussion portion of meetings, though, some of the larger groups do break out into smaller groups, to facilitate discussion.